IoT Fusion – Alexa at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia – Aaron Mulder and Kelsey Oh

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The Office of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is investigating voice interfaces via Amazon Alexa. While any number of uses are under consideration, one early proof of concept focused on the Special Delivery Unit, for mothers carrying babies with known birth defects. While some conditions are common and well-known, others are rare and the medical team called to a sudden delivery may not be as familiar with the specific details of a given condition.

In this talk we’ll review the Alexa SDU proof of concept, providing hands-free access to key information before and during a special delivery procedure. Kelsey Oh from CHOP will discuss the detailed requirements and goals for the proof of concept, while Aaron Mulder from Chariot Solutions will discuss some of the obstacles encountered during development and how the Alexa skill had to be adjusted before it reached actual medical teams for detailed simulations of the delivery procedures.