
ETE 2013 – Scaling out with Akka Actors – Joshua Suereth

Speaker: Joshua Suereth From the abstract: “Erlang has made popular the notation of asynchronous message passing as means of distribution and Scaling. While the idea of “actors” is fundamentally simple, how do we, the software engineers, make use of this abstraction to develop real life, scalable systems? This talk designs a scalable distributed search service using Akka and Scala using the “zen” of Actor based design. It covers the practical aspects of how to scale out with akka’s new experimental…

ETE 2013 – The 11th Thing: Generalists, Specialists and How Life Imitates The Decathalon – David A. Black

Change is a constant in the tech field, at many levels — from the introduction of major new tools and systems to the release of tiny updates for existing ones. Ironically, constant change results in a striking consistency over time. The view of our field from outer space, so to speak, remains remarkably stable. Meanwhile we have to decide what newness to master, what to quasi-master, and what not to bother with.

Let’s Help Melly (Changing Work Into Life)

Complexity thinking suggests that we should seek a diversity of conflicting perspectives. It explains that organizations need experimentation, not just adaptation. And it says that most innovation happens by stealing and tweaking existing ideas to fit a new context. Ultimately, what organizations need is a “management workout”. A number of simple practices that make employees happy and the organization healthy, and which satisfy the rules of complexity thinking.

Spock: A Highly Logical Way To Test

From the abstract: “Spock is a fabulous new testing framework for the JVM. Spock leverages all the DSL power of the Groovy language to make testing a breeze. Spock tests are concise and readable, with excellent support for error reporting and for mock object creation. Spock removes much of the pain from test driven development! In Spock, classes are test specifications; methods of those classes are used to describe expected features of the system under specification. Each feature method is…

Incident Response Is Your CSIRT Program Ready for the 21st Century?

From the abstract: “A growing body of disclosure law governing security breaches and data loss incidents, coupled with ‘the professional nature’ of the threats, is fueling an expanded focus on incident response, digital forensics, evidence collection, and proactive fraud detection. In addition, government and industry regulations require not only the aggregation of data and event management but also the ability to identify and take remedial action on incidents. This is supported by research indicating that the digital forensics market will…

Meteor Smart Packages: Seamless integration with third-party services and tools

From the abstract: “Meteor is an open-source platform for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time. In Meteor, your app is written entirely in Javascript, both client and server code. Meteor handles most of the real problems that web developers face all the time, such as automatically redrawing parts of the UI when data changes on the server. It also supplies a consistent database API on both client and server, that can be secured in server code….

Big Data Revolution

From the abstract: “The Harvard Business Review declared Data Scientist ‘The sexiest job of the 21st Century’ So what is all the Big Data hype about? Can data really change the way we live our lives and go about business? Digital advertising is one of the fields on the forefront of exploring and exploiting Big Data. The main change in the world of data is its unprecedented granularity – particularly in measuring human behavior. Marketers in the past could only…

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