
AngularJS Directives – DSL in Your HTML

From the abstract: “AngularJS is an awesome JavaScript framework that has a laundry list of great features. One of the most powerful features is the ability to create custom HTML elements and attributes that are specific to your domain. We will cover how to make custom directives to do neat tricks. By ‘neat tricks’ we mean ‘anything’.”

Patterns and Functional Programming

From the abstract: “Patterns and functional programming aren’t often mentioned together, but they’re related in a couple of ways. First, most of the classic object oriented design patterns fade away in languages with functional features. Second, functional languages have their own set of interesting patterns, which can often be given first class language support. In this talk, based on the forthcoming Pragmatic Press book Functional Programming Patterns, we’ll examine a few of each type of pattern, and show how adding…

Architecting an event-driven networking engine: Twisted Python

From the abstract: “How do you write and deploy an extensible, cross-platform, event-driven HTTP, SSH, or IMAP server in Python in zero lines of code? With Twisted! Twisted is the granddaddy of event-driven Python networking libraries and has been a proving ground for how to structure such a framework for the last decade. In this talk, we’ll first orient ourselves with an architectural overview of the project. Then we’ll dissect key design decisions that make Twisted such a powerful tool…

Exploring the Internals of Active Record

From the abstract: “In this talk we’ll be exploring the internals of Active Record, the ORM used in the Ruby on Rails web framework. We’ll look at the architecture of the internals along with caching strategies, connection handling, and speed improvements. This talk will cover new features in Rails 4, as well as strategies for improvements to the internals of Active Record.”

The Fundamentals of JVM Tuning

From the abstract: “When you are faced with the challenge of tuning JVM, you can find a wide variety information. Yet, almost always the information is rather specific in the type of tuning, or specific to a type of problem. Seldom can you find information that tells abstracts the details into a higher level and simplifies it into a set of fundamentals and principles. This is what you can expect to hear and learn in this session. The first important…

Scala’s Slick: A Library For Functional Database Access

From the abstract: “This talk presents Slick, Typesafe’s library for accessing databases. Similar in nature to .NET’s LINQ API, Slick is a successor to the popular ScalaQuery library. With Slick, database queries can be expressed using Scala code – which is composable and more convenient than Java APIs like JPA, and safer than string-based query languages like SQL. With a compile-time check to ensure type-safety, Slick queries allow users to interact with their database without knowing SQL, instead using function…

Taming Maven – Philly JUG

Presented On Nov 14, 2012 Abstract Apache Maven is one of the most useful tools in the Java developer’s toolbox — and occasionally the most frustrating. This presentation provides some practical tips to minimize frustration and leverage Maven’s strengths in a multi-project development environment. This talk was given at the Philly Java User Group on Wednesday, November 14, 2012.

Leaping ahead with Roo Add-Ons – SpringOne/2GX

Presented On Oct 18, 2012 Abstract Learn how to write Spring Roo commands and features using the OSGi-based add-on API. You’ll learn how to extend the Roo shell to provide commands specific to your development shop, how to configure various architectures and frameworks using various Roo objects such as the FileManager and the ProjectManager, and how to write and update class and ITD definitions. A must if you need a tool to help you configure applications quickly or contribute to…

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