Philly ETE 2016 #11 – Andy Webber – Modern C++ for Fun and Profit: This isn’t your old C++

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Think that C++ is an antiquated language and isn’t worth learning? Think that programming in C++ is too difficult and you’ll spend all of your time debugging segmentation faults and memory leaks? In this talk you’ll find out some of how C++ has changed in C++11, C++14, and beyond in ways that make programmer’s lives easier and allow you to write high-performance, maintainable, and well-designed code. Learn why C++ matters to companies around the world and why they continue to use it for performance critical and fundamental cross-platform libraries.

About Andy:

Andy believes that coding is like having a magical power that can be used to solve the world’s problems. Along with learning everything from the CPU to the application during his computer engineering studies at UMD, he’s been a C++ programmer for over 15 years. As a Trading Systems Developer at SIG, Andy helps write the infrastructure that keeps SIG’s real time systems in the market. A Philly transplant and now proud local, Andy’s most unique claim to fame is his performance of the Lord of the Rings soundtrack at the Mann Center last summer.