Philly ETE 2020 – David Dylan Thomas – Design for Cognitive Bias: Using Mental Shortcuts for Good instead of Evil

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Users’ minds take shortcuts to get through the day. Usually they’re harmless. Even helpful. But what happens when they’re not? In this talk I’ll use real-world examples to identify some particularly nasty biases that frequently lead users to make bad decisions.

I’ll then talk about some content strategy and design choices we can use in our apps, designs, and platforms to redirect or eliminate the impact of those biases.

Finally, I’ll explore our own biases as designers and some methods to prevent our own blind spots from hurting users.

About David Dylan Thomas

David Dylan Thomas serves as Content Strategy Advocate at Think Company and is the creator and host of the Cognitive Bias Podcast. He has developed digital strategies for major clients in entertainment, healthcare, publishing, finance, and retail.

A co-organizer of Content Strategy Philly, he previously consulted at the Corzo Center for the Creative Economy and is the creator, director, and co-producer of Developing Philly, a web series about the rise of the Philadelphia tech community.

He has given standing-room-only presentations at TEDNYC, SXSW Interactive, Confab, LavaCon, UX Copenhagen, Artifact, and the Wharton Web Conference on content strategy and emerging content trends.