Philly ETE 2021 — Bye Bye Frontend Monolith: Accelerating Feature Development with Micro Frontends — Michael Geers



Working on a large monolithic codebase is cumbersome. No single person has an overview of all functionality. Evolving the software becomes slow and the risk of breaking something increases. Adopting new technologies requires a lot of effort. The microservices pattern solved a lot of these issues. However, in most projects, it’s only applied to backend code. Most modern frontends are still monoliths, often tied to a single JavaScript framework.

The micro frontends architecture changes this. There you split the application into vertical slices which can be developed and deployed by autonomous cross-functional teams. So beside caring about database and business logic, each team also develops their own part of the user interface. This talk will illustrate the reasoning behind micro frontends. You’ll learn why more and more companies are starting to adopt this pattern. We’ll also discuss the challenges and typical pitfalls this approach introduces.

About Michael Geers

Michael Geers is a developer and builds e-commerce systems at neuland Büro für Informatik in Germany. He’s a full stack developer, but the largest part of his work is centered around frontend development and architecture for building and maintaining solid user interfaces. Over the last years he worked on different vertically sliced development projects. He’s written the book Micro Frontends in Action and runs where he shares his experiences on techniques to integrate UIs that are built by different teams. He likes template languages, building design systems and optimizing web performance.

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