Philly ETE 2021 — This Doesn’t Add Up: Failing at Change, and How to Try Different, Not Harder — GeePaw Hill



In the geek trade, we provide value solely by handling change effectively. But time and again, we fail at this core activity, because our reasoning and practice is shot through with anti-change ideas, many of them implicit. In this wide-ranging talk, we’ll use some vintage advertising, both to illustrate the weak ideas we need to let go of, and to suggest some alternatives we can use to strengthen our approach to change.

About GeePaw Hill

GeePaw Hill is a geek, a teacher, a coach, a writer, a speaker, and a leader in the modern software development community. In four decades of life as an independent software developer, he’s written nearly every kind of software there is, for nearly every kind of platform, and nearly every size and shape of company. He is a well-known for mixing high theory, pragmatic advice, and comical insight in his presentations.

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