Philly ETE 2022 — Using Dapr, Every Developer Can Build Microservice Applications — Mark Fussell

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Applications built using microservice architecture offer compelling benefits, however building them is hard and comes at a cost of having to understanding distributed systems. Developers should focus on business logic and instead they end up solving the same problems such as state management, resilient calls and event handling with limited portability across public clouds.

The Distributed Application Runtime, Dapr (, is an open source project that gives super powers to all developers to build cloud native applications, no matter what developer framework or language they decide to use. Come and find out how Dapr makes building microservice applications a joy on any platform with a vibrant community helping you succeed as building scalable, event driven code to run on your favorite cloud.

About Mark Fussell

Mark is the co-founder, maintainer and steering committee member of Dapr. He led product development for Azure Service Fabric and managed the Azure CTO Incubations team at Microsoft, and has 30 years of experience developing technical strategies, building computing platforms and running product teams.

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