Philly ETE 2023 — Starbeam: Universal Reactivity And What It Means For You — Yehuda Katz



Reactivity is a hot topic in the frontend world, and the past five years have seen an explosion of innovation on topic. Unfortunately, every framework has its own reactivity API, and these APIs are not compatible with one another.

Enter Starbeam.

Starbeam is a state-of-the-art reactivity library that lets you build universal reactive code that works with your favorite framework. Starbeam lets you write universal code working with reactive data, of course, but it’s not just a lowest-common-denominator system.

Starbeam lets you write reactive objects that:

Respond to component lifecycle (“resources”)

Respond to the lifecycle of a specific DOM node (“element modifiers”)

Are attached to the lifecycle of an application (“services”)

If you’re familiar with React, you can think of Starbeam as a library for writing universal hooks. Starbeam “renderers” take universal reactive objects written using Starbeam and render them in your framework of choice. And each official Starbeam renderer is carefully built to feel idiomatic for its framework, and to take advantage of advanced framework features where appropriate.

In this talk, Yehuda will demonstrate how to write universal reactive objects using Starbeam, and then show how you can use those objects in multiple frameworks.

You will come away with an understanding of Starbeam’s design and enough context to get started with Starbeam in your app or library.

About Yehuda Katz

Yehuda Katz is the creator of Starbeam.js, a new library that makes reactive programming simple and fun, working with your existing frameworks. He’s a prolific Open Source creator and contributor. He is one of the creators of Ember.js, and a retired member of the Rust, Ruby on Rails and jQuery Core Teams. At Tilde he works on Skylight, Starbeam, and does Ember.js consulting. He also created projects like Thor, Handlebars, Cargo and Bundler, which continue to make developer’s lives easier all around the globe. He lives in Portland, OR with his wife and two children.

About the Conference

The Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise (ETE) is the Mid-Atlantic’s premier developer’s conference. Entering its 17th year, we’ve brought world-class speakers — including some local favorites — to speak about leading-edge technologies being used today, and emerging technologies that will be important for attendees to know about in the near future.

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