Philly ETE 2014 #21 – Understanding Latency: Pitfalls, Lessons & Tools – Gil Tene

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From the abstract: Understanding application responsiveness and latency is critical not only for delivering good application behavior but also for maintaining profitability and containing risk. However, good characterization of bad data is useless. If measurements of response time present false or misleading latency information, even the best analysis can lead to wrong operational decisions and poor application experience. In this talk, Gil Tene (CTO, Azul Systems) will demonstrate and discusses some common pitfalls, false assumptions and problematic measurement techniques that lead to dramatically incorrect reporting results, and will explain how these false measurements naturally occur using the most common measurement methods and tools in use today. We will discuss the coordinated data omission problem, and ways to work around it, and will introduce and demonstrate how simple and recently open sourced tools can be used to improve and gain higher confidence in both latency measurement and reporting.