Philly ETE 2015 #6 – Kent C. Dodds – Angular 2: Built for Huge, Long-lasting Applications

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Slides from Kent’s talk are also available here.


Angular 2 is built for huge web applications that stand the test of time. To accomplish this, Angular 2 utilizes the latest and greatest web technologies like ES6 modules/classes and Web Components. Come get a preview of what this looks like with instructor Kent C. Dodds as he live codes an application using the pre-release alpha version of Angular 2.

About Kent:

Kent C. Dodds is the frontend developer at Alianza Inc where he works on their AngularJS Admin Portal. In Kent’s free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and kids and coding (not normally at the same time). Kent is an instructor on the training site and is involved in several open source projects and community efforts including AngularJS, angular-formly, Angular Air, various other open source efforts (see, and speaking at conferences and local meetups about Angular, ReactJS, and general JavaScript topics. Kent enjoys talking with people about code and learning from others’ experiences. Find him on twitter @kentcdodds.