Philly ETE 2014 #8 – Have You Seen Spring Lately – David Turanski

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From the Abstract: “2013 was a “pivotal” year for Spring! We saw the Spring family join Pivotal where – along with Cloud Foundry and our data driven technologies (the Pivotal HD Hadoop distribution, the GemFire data grid, and the RabbitMQ message broker). Today’s Spring embraces Java 8, Scala, Groovy, provides a best-in-class REST stack, supports the open web, mobile applications, big-data applications and batch workloads. Today’s Spring is easy to get started with, easy to learn, and embraces convention over configuration. Join Spring developer David Turanski as he takes you on a tour of today’s Spring, including the Spring.IO platform, Spring Boot, Websocket support, Spring HATEOAS, and more! This is a Spring you may not have seen yet.”