ETE 2013

Philly ETE Screencast #10 – Fail Fast – Tumblr’s evolving architecture – Ken Little

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From the abstract: “Over the past two years Tumblr has experienced tremendous growth, with traffic growing more than 10x from less than 1.6B pageviews a month to nearly 20B pageviews a month. Tumblr started in 2007 as a traditional LAMP application with some memcache usage. Over the past two years Tumblr has moved towards a … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #9 – Exploring the Internals of Active Record – Aaron Patterson

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From the abstract: “In this talk we’ll be exploring the internals of Active Record, the ORM used in the Ruby on Rails web framework. We’ll look at the architecture of the internals along with caching strategies, connection handling, and speed improvements. This talk will cover new features in Rails 4, as well as strategies for … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #8 – The Future of the JVM – Panel Discussion

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From the abstract: “In today’s production environments, tremendous amounts of work can be performed on servers running the JVM with dozens of cores, yet in just a few years we could have machines that have thousands of cores. Parallelizing work in such a “manycore” environment is a hot topic, as is managing concurrency with so … Read More

Philly ETE Keynote Screencast – Claudia Perlich – The Big Data Revolution

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Our day 1 keynote presentation was delivered by Claudia Perlich of Media Six Degrees. She’s been working in the data science field long before it became a hugely popular career choice. This keynote was both filmed and screen-captured, so you’ll not only hear Ms. Perlich and watch her slides, but view the presentation as it … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #7 – Doug Lea – Engineering Concurrent Library Components

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From Doug Lea’s abstract: “Creating components based on concurrent and parallel algorithms and data structures often requires more attention to “engineering” issues not seen with most other libraries. Components created in the “obvious” way sometimes turn out to be wrong, to perform poorly, or are unusable in most applications, because the abstractions in which they … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #6 – Alex Miller – Clojure: Enemy of the State

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From Alex’s abstract: “Clojure’s approach to data is significantly different than other popular languages, and somewhat different even than its Lisp heritage. On one hand, Clojure provides a small core set of immutable, persistent data structures. On the other, Clojure uses functional programming to provide a rich set of data manipulation functions. These two pillars … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #5 – Charlie Hunt – The Fundamentals of JVM Tuning

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When you are faced with the challenge of tuning JVM, you can find a wide variety information. Yet, almost always the information is rather specific in the type of tuning, or specific to a type of problem. Seldom can you find information that tells abstracts the details into a higher level and simplifies it into … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #4 – Yehuda Katz on the Ember.js application framework

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Yehuda Katz discusses the Ember.js development framework for Single-Page JS applications.

Philly ETE Screencast #3 – Ken Schwaber – The Path to Agility

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From Ken Schwaber’s abstract – “The move is on. More and more organizations are abandoning waterfall and opting for agility. The benefits are overwhelming, documented by Standish Group, the GAO, and DOD. Lately, two approaches to becoming agile have emerged. One is SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), an agile template that can somewhat readily be overlaid … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #2 – The Cable Company does Continuous What?

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This second screencast in Chariot’s ETE video coverage is by Comcast’s development team and discusses how they use continuous integration at the company.