
Philly ETE 2014 #23 – What if Type Checkers Were More Like Linters? – Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant

From the abstract: Typed Clojure is a gradual type system for Clojure and ClojureScript. In practice, type checking resembles “linting”: it is separate from compilation and must be called explicitly. This has some interesting implications. Instead of porting your old code to a “typed” variant of your language, you can gradually add type annotations and run the type checking function when needed; the checker will never stop your code from compiling normally.

Philly ETE 2014 #22 – ZooKeeper for the Skeptical Architect – Camille Fournier

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From the abstract: ZooKeeper is everywhere these days. It’s a core component of the Hadoop ecosystem. Your favorite startup probably uses it internally. But as every good skeptic knows, just because something is popular doesn’t mean you should use it. In this talk I will go over the core uses of ZooKeeper in the wild and why it is suited to these use cases. I will also talk about systems that don’t use ZooKeeper and why that can be the…

Philly ETE 2014 #21 – Understanding Latency: Pitfalls, Lessons & Tools – Gil Tene

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From the abstract: Understanding application responsiveness and latency is critical not only for delivering good application behavior but also for maintaining profitability and containing risk. However, good characterization of bad data is useless. If measurements of response time present false or misleading latency information, even the best analysis can lead to wrong operational decisions and poor application experience. In this talk, Gil Tene (CTO, Azul Systems) will demonstrate and discusses some common pitfalls, false assumptions and problematic measurement techniques that…

Philly ETE 2014 #20 – Tips & Tricks of Effective iOS Developers – Ben Scheirman

From the abstract: Going from novice to expert requires years of practice. Yet “number of years” is still a poor indicator of how good a developer is. Good developers practice deliberately. This means going out of your way to experience new techniques, or repeating actions in order to build muscle memory. In this presentation, I’ll convey a list of tips & tricks that I have picked up in my continued journey as an iOS developer. I’ll cover quick tips that…

Philly ETE 2014 #19 – Testing Mobile with Appium – Fil Maj

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From the abstract: Are you testing your mobile apps? Why not? Appium ( allows for UI testing in browsers, hybrid and native apps. Appium is open source, built on top of WebDriver for test compatibility and supports iOS, Android, and FirefoxOS. Fil shows how you can use Appium to test your apps across a variety of platforms, simulators, and even real devices.

Philly ETE 2014 #18 – Reactive Web Development with Play on Java 8 – James Roper

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From the abstract: Java 8 heralds a new era of reactive programming, with lambdas and promises taking the limelight as the bright new features of the language. To best take advantage of these features, Play Framework offers a ground up asynchronous full stack web framework, with a high velocity development environment, making it the most natural web framework to use with Java 8. This presentation will showcase the best that Java 8 has to offer in the world of reactive…

Philly ETE 2014 #17 – Reactive APIs With Spray – Jan Machacek

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From the abstract: Jan will show how the principles of reactive design apply to APIs. In particular, Jan will show how to serve & consume REST APIs using Scala and Spray. The talk will explain the components in Spray, how they build on each other to offer convenient abstractions, and how you can easily combine the different abstraction levels in your code. Jan will show how Spray makes the implementation of even complex APIs easy and understandable. You do not…

Philly ETE 2014 #16 – Lambda: A Peek Under the Hood – Brian Goetz

From the abstract: The big language features for Java SE 8 are lambda expressions (closures) and default methods (formerly called defender methods or virtual extension methods). Adding closures to the language opens up a host of new expressive opportunities for applications and libraries, but how are they implemented? You might assume that lambda expressions are simply a more syntactically compact form of inner classes, but, in fact, the implementation of lambda expressions is substantially different and builds on the invokedynamic…

Philly ETE 2014 #15 – How We Built a Cloud Platform Using Netflix OSS – Carl Quinn

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From the abstract: The Netflix OSS Cloud stack is clearly a great set of components for building a cloud infrastructure and platform—if you are Netflix. But how does that architecture work for other businesses? Learn how at Riot we leveraged Netflix OSS Cloud tools and platform components to create a complete infrastructure for hosting our global game platform. Maybe it can work for you too. This session will describe the libraries, services and tools from the Netflix OSS stack that…

Philly ETE 2014 #14 – Distributed Systems and the End of the API – Chas Emerick

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From the abstract: “Every system is a distributed system” has become a common catchphrase among distributed system theoreticians and distributed database vendors…and they’re right. What hasn’t become common are actionable discourse about what this concretely implies for real-world systems, and how it differs from the status quo. Drawing inspiration from and parallels with some of the lessons learned from our collective migration towards functional programming languages and data-orientation, I will attempt to provide part of one such discourse.

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