
Philly ETE 2015 – Diana Larsen – Improving and Extending Retrospective Outcomes

Diana Larsen, co-author of Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great, will introduce you to a simple framework for getting better outcomes from retrospective meetings, suggest ways to maintain the relevance of improvement to the work of your team, and provide tips and pointers to get great returns from the time your teams devote to every meeting.

Philly ETE 2015 – Michael Toppa – Agile Contracts for Software Consultants

You’re ready to go with all the best Agile practices: you’ll develop incrementally and iteratively, you’ll have sprints and retrospectives, and you can’t wait to tell your clients about your velocity and show them your burndown charts. But all of your prospective clients are telling you they want firm quotes, and contracts with detailed specifications and delivery dates. How do you convince them a traditional contract is actually riskier than they think, and persuade them to instead sign an Agile (time and materials) contract?

Philly ETE # 41 – The Impact of Agile Quantified: A De-Mystery Thriller – Larry Maccherone

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From the abstract: Ironically, much of the Agile process is based on intuition. Folklore. Anecdotes. Tradition. Faith. Now, for the first time in Agile history, there is solid research backed by the hard numbers of 10,000 teams. And not surprisingly, that disturbs some existing foundations, rebuilding them with facts, evidence, and insights. This talk builds … Read More

Philly ETE #28 – Coaching Teams Along the Path to Agile Fluency – Diana Larsen

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From the abstract: Going “Agile” can confer a number of benefits to teams and organizations, but all too often those promised benefits aren’t fully delivered and everyone wonders why. As organizational leaders/mentors and Agile coaches, we find ourselves confronted when the promise of Agile doesn’t match the reality. How do we avoid the traps of … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 – Linda Rising – The Power of an Agile Mindset

Research has identified what I like to call “an agile mindset,” an attitude that equates failure and problems with opportunities for learning, a belief that we can all improve over time, that our abilities are not fixed but evolve with effort. What’s surprising about this research is the impact of an agile mindset on creativity and innovation, estimation, and collaboration in and out of the workplace. I’ll relate what’s known about this mindset and share some practical suggestions that can help all of us become even more agile.