alex miller

TechCast #81 – Recap of the StrangeLoop 2013 conference with Joe Berger, Dan Boykis and Anatoly Polinsky

In this podcast, I am joined by Dan Boykis and Anatoly Polinsky, two of our Chariot consultants who attended The Strange Loop conference in September. I also have some reflections from Chariot consultant Joe Berger, provided via email. Strange Loop is a 2-day conference with wraparound tutorials, and also contained a language “un-conference” by Alex Payne.

PhillyETE Screencast #6 – Alex Miller – Clojure: Enemy of the State

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ARVE Error: loop not valid
loop not valid
autoplay not valid

From Alex’s abstract: “Clojure’s approach to data is significantly different than other popular languages, and somewhat different even than its Lisp heritage. On one hand, Clojure provides a small core set of immutable, persistent data structures. On the other, Clojure uses functional programming to provide a rich set of data manipulation functions. These two pillars … Read More