
Philly ETE 2015 #42 – Don Coleman – Creating Bluetooth Low Energy Apps

Bluetooth Smart, or Bluetooth Low Energy devices are everywhere. We’ll look at how to discover, connect to, and control these devices with software. You’ll learn how Bluetooth LE works and understand profiles, services, and characteristics. I’ll demonstrate writing Android and iOS Bluetooth apps using Apache Cordova.

Philly ETE 2015 – Don Coleman – Creating Bluetooth Low Energy Apps

luetooth Smart, or Bluetooth Low Energy devices are everywhere. We’ll look at how to discover, connect to, and control these devices with software. You’ll learn how Bluetooth LE works and understand profiles, services, and characteristics. I’ll demonstrate writing Android and iOS Bluetooth apps using Apache Cordova.

Philly ETE 2014 #10 – Connecting Arduino and Phones with Bluetooth and Cordova – Don Coleman

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ARVE Error: loop not valid
loop not valid
autoplay not valid

From the abstract: The internet of things is everywhere, but how do you interact with devices? This presentation will walk through using Apache Cordova to communicate with Arduino over Bluetooth. Don will demonstrate how to write cross platform Cordova applications to receive data from devices and control devices over…