
Philly ETE Screencast #7 – Doug Lea – Engineering Concurrent Library Components

ARVE Error:
ARVE Error: loop not valid
loop not valid
autoplay not valid

From Doug Lea’s abstract: “Creating components based on concurrent and parallel algorithms and data structures often requires more attention to “engineering” issues not seen with most other libraries. Components created in the “obvious” way sometimes turn out to be wrong, to perform poorly, or are unusable in most applications, because the abstractions in which they … Read More

TechCast #47 – Jonas Boner on the Akka framework, Scala, and highly scalable applications

Today’s podcast features Jonas Bonér, the creator of the Akka framework.  If you’ve been listening to the podcast, especially to Episode #37 with Alex Miller on Java Concurrency, here is an alternative approach to providing scalability on the Java VM. Akka features an implementation of Actors, Software Transactional Memory, and Transactors, a hybrid approach to … Read More