
Application Development Approaches in AWS Webinar

Chariot’s Ken Rimple, director of Training/Mentoring Services, will take you through some sample AWS architectures and the pros/cons of complexity, cost, and technical considerations for each one.

Philly ETE 2019 – Burr Sutter – Supersonic, Subatomic Java with Quarkus

Abstract Introducing The rise in popularity of the linux container as the primary way to package your application seemed like a simple change on the surface. Yet, as we saw with the Java Docker Fail problem, it was not a transition completely without challenges for the Java community. Furthermore, we have now seen a … Read More

ng-conf 2019 – Ken Rimple – Introduction to Docker for Developers

Setup If you plan on following along you should have installed Docker and it should be running on your computer. Make sure you’ve created a free account on Docker and signed into it with docker login from your command line. A quick call to docker run alpine echo ‘hi there’ should verify that the engine is up and running … Read More

Philly ETE 2015 #47 – Seth Vargo – Taming the Modern Data Center

This talk will discuss the problems faced in the modern data center, and how a set of innovative open source tooling can be used to tame the rising complexity curve. Join me on an adventure with Vagrant, Consul, and Terraform as we take your data center from chaos to control.

Philly ETE 2014 #4 – Docker: The Revolution Will Be Containerized – Eric Windisch

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In the last year Docker has taken the DevOps world by storm. Eric will tell you what Docker. is, how it works, and how to add it to your development toolbox

DevNews #69 – Google Machine Learning Becomes Sentient – or does it just love shredders?

In this episode, Joel warns us that the machines have started to learn on their own – and that maybe they can tell shredders apart from trashcans… Also, a great TechCrunch article on how you can now build dynamic grids of compute servers using Mesos and have them automatically bootstrapped and configured by Docker. We talk about CoreOS, which is a small linux distro for beginning machine configurations, the Genymotion android VM that everyone was talking about at AnDevCon2013, and more.