
Philly ETE # 40 – Stroop, Whorf, And Elixir – Dave Thomas

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From the abstract: The philosopher Wittgenstein believed that reality is bounded by our ability to express it: “the limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Many others think along similar lines. I believe it is true when it comes to being able to express ourselves effectively. In this talk I dig into … Read More

DevNews #76 – HAML-esque JS templates, a monitor for $400, what’s the world coming to?

We have a great set of resources for you today, ranging from HAML-like templates in Javascript, to a great Go tutorial website, to some heavy-duty Scala Akka Finite State Machine discusisons, iOS Workflows, a $15 Arduino with GPS, and much more. Hosts – Ken Rimple, Joel Confino, Eric Snyder and Sujan Kapadia.