
Philly ETE 2016 – Ryan Brush – Untangling Healthcare with Spark and Dataflow

Spark is becoming a data processing giant, but it leaves much as an exercise for the user. Developers need to write specialized logic to move between batch and streaming modes, manually deal with late or out-of-order data, and explicitly wire complex flows together. This talk looks at how we tackled these problems over a multi-petabyte dataset at Cerner.

Philly ETE 2016 – Srinivas Palthepu – Emergence of Real-Time Analytics: Real-time Analysis of Customer Financial Activities With Apache Flink

In this talk we present a business use case where Capital One needs to process customer activities real-time and react to events appropriately as needed. We then present our experience in building a real-time analytics application that serves the business using a set of open source software frameworks with Apache Flink at its core for real-time stream processing engine.

Exploring the Play Framework: Testing

This is the first in a series of posts in which we will explore building applications with the Play Framework. Today we will focus on creating a very simple barebones application and applying some tests to it. Starting A Skeleton Application Complete sample code for this article can be found at play-samples/minimal. The only prerequisite … Read More

Converting a Java Spring application to Scala

Supposedly Scala requires a completely different programming style. But what happens when you just want a Spring application? Is it possible to program in Scala without jumping in the deep end? Chariot’s John Shepard illustrates the difference in approach in this quick tutorial.

ETE 2013 Screencast #38 – JavaScript Frameworks Panel: Which is the right framework for me?

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In this panel we will discuss the merits of some of these tools and what to look for when selecting a tool for a given project. What are the benefits of compiling to JavaScript as opposed to coding in it? What are the core differences between different MVC solutions? What are the tradeoffs that you make when you use an integrated framework that runs on both the client and server side? What about testing, security, and continuous integration? And if you are new to developing JavaScript applications, where do you start? Featuring Tim Branyen (Backbone contributor), Brian Ford (AngularJS core developer and co-author of AngularJS in Action), Yehuda Katz (co-author of jQuery in Action and creator of Ember), Avital Oliver (Meteor core developer), Lukas Ruebbelke (co-author of AngularJS in Action), and Robert Hanson (moderator, co-author of GWT in Action)