
Lambda Four Ways, a Rosetta Stone for AWS

When I write Lambdas professionally, Python is my preferred language. It offers decent performance, a straightforward syntax, and high developer productivity. I’ve also used Java, both in demonstration apps and actual client work. But while I have some familiarity with other languages supported by the platform, I’ve never used them. So, with some downtime, I decided to implement the same Lambda in four different languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, and Go, to get a better sense of their strengths and weaknesses.

Why you should be writing your microservices in Go

Keep it simple, stupid. The KISS principle is one of my favorites. Often we are guilty of making systems unnecessarily complex. This creates a miserable cycle of working with these things that we create. Does it have to be this way? Go was designed with simplicity and ease of use top of mind. I’m claiming by using Go to build your next server/service the benefits will go beyond the performance of your software.

Philly ETE 2021 — What Makes Golang Go: The Power of Go Interfaces — Ricardo Gerardi

Abstract Interfaces are one of the most powerful Go features. They allow you to develop applications and libraries that are flexible, re-usable, and testable. Like other programming languages, interfaces allow you to abstract behavior without prescribing how objects implement them. Unlike other programming languages, however, Go favors small interfaces and implements them implicitly. This concept … Read More

TechChat Tuesdays #19: Special Guest, Eric Snyder

Today we welcome Eric Snyder to the show, software architect here at Chariot, and Dev News veteran from days past. Eric, Ken and Sujan bring a whole slew of dev topics to the livestream today – from the youtube-dl controversy, to new features in Vue – and Eric talks about his recent projects using Go.

Taking AWS SDK Go 2.0 For A Spin

The Amazon Web Services SDK for Go 2.0 contains a number of enhancements compared to Go v1. Golang is a great programming language for modern cloud native applications. The language provides great facilities for better concurrency, internet content parsing (JSON, XML, etc…), support for HTTP(S), ease of cross-platform compilation, and static binary executable generation, just … Read More