java 8

Philly ETE 2014 #18 – Reactive Web Development with Play on Java 8 – James Roper

From the abstract: Java 8 heralds a new era of reactive programming, with lambdas and promises taking the limelight as the bright new features of the language. To best take advantage of these features, Play Framework offers a ground up asynchronous full stack web framework, with a high velocity development environment, making it the most … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 #8 – Have You Seen Spring Lately – David Turanski

Today’s Spring is easy to get started with, easy to learn, and embraces convention over configuration. Join Spring developer David Turanski as he takes you on a tour of today’s Spring, including the Spring.IO platform, Spring Boot, Websocket support, Spring HATEOAS, and more! This is a Spring you may not have seen yet.

Top Five Reasons to Try Java 8

Java 8 is a substantial improvement over Java 7. Here are Java developer John Shepard’s top five favorite features.