
Philly ETE 2014 – #1 – Donn Felker – Android from the Trenches

ARVE Error:
ARVE Error: loop not valid
loop not valid
autoplay not valid

This talk discussed lessons learned by Donn while writing highly successful Android applications hosted on the Google Play store. You’ll learn about how to use RoboElectric, JUnit and Mockito together in your testing regime.

Testing Spring Roo add-ons

This is a combination of a two-part article on Spring Roo and Testing I originally posted on rimple.com, where I write about Spring Roo topics periodically around my book, Spring Roo in Action., co-authored with InfoQ’s Srini Penchikala.. You may find more information about writing Roo add-ons from my recent ETE / Richmond JUG presentation, … Read More

What is in my Spring Context?

When we are learning Spring, there are times we are not sure which beans are in the Spring context. Especially when we use convenient features of Spring 3 such as or . As developers, we want to inspect the classes that are automatically registered providing the opportunity to look at the source code and javadocs … Read More

JUnit & Spring – What You Don’t Know

Gordon Dickens, Chariot architect and one of our education trainers, recently wrote this blog post on JUnit and Spring. When using JUnit in Spring there are several features added that many developers are not aware of. First, if you are including the Spring Context in your tests, it becomes an Integration Test, no longer a … Read More