
DevNews #77 – I bet you can’t run that Kanban Board on a DEC Rainbow…

>Wherein we start by discussing Michael Winslow, playing with reverb, and Eric mentions a DEC Rainbow. Topics include improvements to Node in 0.12, a Ruby/Rails children’s book kickstarter, leaving Scrum for Kanban, and more…

PhillyETE Screencast #33 – Trying out Kanban at Comcast – Trevor Lalish-Menagh

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From the abstract: “Our teams have embraced the agile spirit for years, and what that means to us is flexibility. Flexibility in management, flexibility in employees, and flexibility to change. Earlier this year, the team I am on decided to experiment with a Kanban board and work in progress limits, bucking the trend of a … Read More

TechCast #61 – Johanna Rothman on Managing Projects

Ken Rimple interviews Johanna Rothman My guest this time is Johanna Rothman, an esteemed project management consultant who runs Rothman Consulting Group, and writes/blogs/speaks/podcasts on a wide variety of topics including Agile, managing suites of projects, and more. Her website is jrothman.com. She is speaking at the 2011 Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference … Read More