
PhillyETE Screencast #28 – Why are there Go programmers? – Blake Mizerany

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From the abstract: “Go programmers come from backgrounds you would likely not expect. The language was originally marketed as a “Systems Language”. But rather than being mostly composed of C and C++ programmers, many Go programmers come from Ruby, Python, Javascript, Erlang, and other popular dynamic languages; Much more than the Go authors had anticipated. … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #14 – Patterns and Functional Programming – Michael Bevilacqua-Linn

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From the abstract: “Patterns and functional programming aren’t often mentioned together, but they’re related in a couple of ways. First, most of the classic object oriented design patterns fade away in languages with functional features. Second, functional languages have their own set of interesting patterns, which can often be given first class language support. In … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #7 – Doug Lea – Engineering Concurrent Library Components

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From Doug Lea’s abstract: “Creating components based on concurrent and parallel algorithms and data structures often requires more attention to “engineering” issues not seen with most other libraries. Components created in the “obvious” way sometimes turn out to be wrong, to perform poorly, or are unusable in most applications, because the abstractions in which they … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #6 – Alex Miller – Clojure: Enemy of the State

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From Alex’s abstract: “Clojure’s approach to data is significantly different than other popular languages, and somewhat different even than its Lisp heritage. On one hand, Clojure provides a small core set of immutable, persistent data structures. On the other, Clojure uses functional programming to provide a rich set of data manipulation functions. These two pillars … Read More