particle photon

Philly ETE 2016 #39 – Building Wireless Sensors with Don Coleman

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This session will look at building wireless sensors on a variety of hardware: the super low cost ESP8266, the Particle Photon and it’s cloud services, and the new Arduino MKR1000.

The Internet Of Things with Scala – Part 2

This is a continuation of my Internet of Things with Scala posting. In this installment I will go over the assembly of the device that will be used to capture the soil moisture data and send it to an MQTT broker so that it may be picked up by the Scala/Akka based application. The Parts … Read More

The Internet Of Things with Scala – Part I

There has been a great deal of buzz around the Internet of Things lately. The advent of small inexpensive devices and in particular the Arduino has inspired a generation of people with no background in electrical engineering to do some very creative things. I myself was first inspired by the Arduino and had built several … Read More