
Philly ETE 2014 #8 – Have You Seen Spring Lately – David Turanski

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Today’s Spring is easy to get started with, easy to learn, and embraces convention over configuration. Join Spring developer David Turanski as he takes you on a tour of today’s Spring, including the Spring.IO platform, Spring Boot, Websocket support, Spring HATEOAS, and more! This is a Spring you may not have seen yet.

Philly ETE 2014 #7 – Look, Ma, No Plugins! – Aaron Mulder

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In the olden days, 3D in the browser meant something antiquated like VRML, Java3D, or other unpleasant formats and plugins. But many of today’s browsers can handle it natively via the HTML5 Canvas and WebGL, based on the popular OpenGL standard. But wait, you say, the only way to program anything in the browser is via JavaScript! Sure, there are libraries like three.js to help, but JavaScript is so…slow. Enter asm.js, a subset of the language specifically constructed for high performance. In this talk, we’ll look at the browser support, APIs, and JavaScript libraries for WebGL, and check out the changes needed to bump up performance with asm.js.

Philly ETE 2014 #6 – Angular Reality: Rendering the World in Real Time with AngularJS Directives and WebGL – James Wanga

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From the abstract: “AngularJS directives are a powerful tool that can bring elegance to complex technologies like WebGL. Last year, with an amazing team, I won a NASA hackathon by building a drone using a quad-coptor and a custom built sonar that was later featured on the discovery channel. During my talk I’ll walk through … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 #5 – I-Tier: Breaking Up the Monolith – Sean McCullough

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Groupon recently completed a year-long project to migrate its U.S. web traffic from a monolithic Ruby on Rails application to a new multi-application stack with substantial results. Learn about how Groupon achieved this great architecture migration and the business results it is driving.

Philly ETE 2014 #4 – Docker: The Revolution Will Be Containerized – Eric Windisch

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In the last year Docker has taken the DevOps world by storm. Eric will tell you what Docker. is, how it works, and how to add it to your development toolbox

Philly ETE 2014 #2 – Go Reactive: Blueprint for Future Applications – Roland Kuhn

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From the abstract: “The game has changed: we write interactive web applications, we distribute the processing of huge data sets and our services need to be available at all times. This new breed of applications comes with its own set of requirements and forces us to establish new blueprints for designing our systems. In this … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 – #1 – Donn Felker – Android from the Trenches

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This talk discussed lessons learned by Donn while writing highly successful Android applications hosted on the Google Play store. You’ll learn about how to use RoboElectric, JUnit and Mockito together in your testing regime.

Philly ETE 2014 – Ken Rimple – AngularJS 101

I presented a basic tutorial on AngularJS at Philly ETE this year, pinch hitting for a speaker who had to cancel at the last minute. My slides end abruptly, however, the points are made and for more information I refer you to our website content on AngularJS, as well as our two-day training course. For … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #40 – It takes a village to develop an app: A 360 degree view of getting an app from idea to the App Store (in a Regulated Enterprise)

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For companies, especially those in a regulated industry, a great idea for a mobile app is just the first piece in a puzzle where everything must fit together to make that idea a reality. From solid creative and user experience to technical implementation and stakeholder reviews, it takes a solid vision, thoughtful plan, commitment and teamwork to create an app that consumers want to use.