Philly ETE 2020 – Mike Wenger – Times When GraphQL Really Shines

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch all the talks from Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020. Abstract A RESTful API and a GraphQL API are often viewed as two interchangeable approaches to achieve the same thing, make data available to a client. After building out a clinical trial matching API to help match patients … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 #12 – Marathon: An init.d for Your Whole Data Center – Tobi Knaup

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Marathon is a framework built on Apache Mesos that provides a fault-tolerant and elastic scale-out architecture for any long-lived application like Ruby on Rails/node.js-based web applications or traditional J2EE servers like Tomcat. Marathon can run applications without modification, and supports running Docker containers as well. It provides a simple REST API for controlling the app … Read More