
The new Angular router – naming conventions

This article is very old, and as such do not rely on it for information about the Angular 2.0 router API. As of this time, the new router has a few naming conventions to be aware of. Modifying the components directory I didn’t want to place my components in the root directory of my web … Read More

The new Angular Router – a simple example

In this post, we’ll look at how the new AngularJS router is configured, and how you can use it to route to a view area on a page. We’ll follow up with more sophisticated examples later, but for now, this is a simple ‘getting started’ post. I’ve taken a copy of a release candidate of Angular 1.4.0, the Router as of the week of 3/15/2015, and the latest version of Angular Material Design – a nice and simple UI layout API that is a nice alternative to Twitter Bootstrap. I used it for a simple image gallery display program.