
A 20th Anniversary Look Back in Technology: Tom Purcell

Tom Purcell, a consultant and founding member of the Chariot Solutions team, has seen technology come and go. On our 20th anniversary in business, Tom gives us a humorous look back to the tools and technologies that came, went, and stayed since Chariot became a company in 2002.

Philly ETE # 40 – Stroop, Whorf, And Elixir – Dave Thomas

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From the abstract: The philosopher Wittgenstein believed that reality is bounded by our ability to express it: “the limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Many others think along similar lines. I believe it is true when it comes to being able to express ourselves effectively. In this talk I dig into … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #9 – Exploring the Internals of Active Record – Aaron Patterson

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From the abstract: “In this talk we’ll be exploring the internals of Active Record, the ORM used in the Ruby on Rails web framework. We’ll look at the architecture of the internals along with caching strategies, connection handling, and speed improvements. This talk will cover new features in Rails 4, as well as strategies for … Read More

ETE 2013 – The 11th Thing: Generalists, Specialists and How Life Imitates The Decathalon – David A. Black

Change is a constant in the tech field, at many levels — from the introduction of major new tools and systems to the release of tiny updates for existing ones. Ironically, constant change results in a striking consistency over time. The view of our field from outer space, so to speak, remains remarkably stable. Meanwhile we have to decide what newness to master, what to quasi-master, and what not to bother with.

DevNews #37 – Heroku adds Clojure AND Mats, we talk LMAX, Grails 1.4 is now 2.0, design patterns in JS

Joining Ken Rimple this week are Jamie Allen (@jamie_allen) and Jason Gritman.  Topics discussed: Grails – user – Grails 1.4 is now Grails 2.0 Countdown to Grails 2.0: Static resources | SpringSource Team Blog Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners Google+ buttons in CSS Heroku | Clojure on Heroku Ruby Creator Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Joins … Read More

DevNews #15 – Macros, Compositional UI vs HTML/CSS, Python and Ruby goodness

It has been quite a dry spell in podcast land for the listeners.  We’ve been recovering from running Philly ETE last month, and are just starting to dig out.  Content will now start coming out in regular frequency again on the Techcast. *Phew!* This DevNews edition is more of a housecleaning of links than before. … Read More