Philly ETE 2015 #25 – Tom Dale – Ember 2.0: Out-of-the-Box Productivity

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Slides from Tom’s talk are available here.


Ember is the only front-end framework that prides itself on being a complete, off-the-shelf solution for building ambitious JavaScript
applications. In this talk, Tom will take you on a tour of the highlights of this battle-tested framework.

Topics covered include:

  • How Ember is a truly open source project led by the community
  • The exploding Ember.js addon ecosystem that makes you productive out-of-the-box
  • Best-in-class tooling that helps you develop quickly, without wasting time assembling ad hoc solutions
  • The sophisticated Inspector, which makes exploring and debugging your Ember app a breeze with the free Chrome and Firefox extension
  • Built-in support for using ES6 today, even on older browsers
  • Managing complexity at scale with a proven programming model
  • How Ember 2.0 learned from and improves on React’s component architecture

About Tom:

Tom is one of the creators of Ember.js, and Co-founder at Tilde Inc. He spends his days working on the open source projects Tilde supports, and their first developer product, Skylight. He’s a former Apple engineer who first gained expert front-end JavaScript skills working on MobileMe and iCloud. He’s a super hipster, and still isn’t sure if it’s serious or ironic.