Aaron Mulder

Upgrading a WIMBoot Machine to Windows 10

Needing to drive a few touchscreen kiosks, I found myself in possession of some compute stick type devices. These are tiny but full-fledged computers, with an Atom CPU, 2 GB of RAM, and a 32 GB SSD. They shipped with Windows 8.1 with Bing. Naturally, I wanted to upgrade to Windows 10. There were a … Read More

My $scope Is Not Your Dumping Ground

This little problem came up in my recent AngularJS/Ionic app. It all started with an innocent modal dialog. There are several, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s look at the login dialog: The generic dialog plumbing is a div with a surrounding overlay that dims out the rest of the screen. You can click … Read More

Has Microsoft turned over a new leaf?

For the last twelve years, when someone asks what technologies we work with, the short answer has been “non-Microsoft.” But it seems the times, they are a’ changin.

AngularJS & Ionic: CSS Library Selection

Aaron Mulder reviews several mobile CSS frameworks – JQuery Mobile, TopCoat, Bootstrap and Ionic – for a side project. Check out his criteria and selection.

5 Tips for Big Software Projects

Software development isn’t easy. And the bigger the software gets, the harder it is to build right from the ground up. Here are 5 things to consider to bump the odds in your favor.

Take (and Manipulate!) a Photo with a Web Page

So not that long ago, if you wanted an app to take a photo, it had to be a native app — such as a Windows/Mac app or a native mobile application.  But HTML5 has brought a number of new APIs that allow not only taking photos, but analyzing and manipulating them all within a browser.