Chariot Solutions

Philly ETE 2011 mobile line up!

This post is via Kevin Griffin, Chariot Architect and committee chair of the Mobile tract for ETE: Philly ETE 2011 mobile line up! Just thought I would post an update on the current lineup for Philly ETE. I’ve been involved in helping get the mobile track lineup sorted out and so far we have confirmed … Read More

Executing JavaScript from Objective-C in an iOS App

New blog post from Steve Smith, one of the Chariot architects working in our mobile practice. Steve is currently working on updating the mobile app for our Emerging Technologies conference and will be posting articles from time to time as he finds challenges or discoveries. Here is an excerpt: The other day, I found the … Read More

Android Development: Best Practices

Thanks to Anatoly Polinsky for another blog post. I got introduced to an Android application development during Philly ETE conference by listening to “A guided tour of the Android ETE mobile application” talk, where Andrew Oswald (a Java Architect from Chariot Solutions) talked about creating an Android app for the conference, which was a cool … Read More

An Introduction to Mobile Device Detection

One of our architects, Steve Smith, recently posted this on his blog: These days, there are many ways to browse the internet.  There are desktop browsers, mobile phone browsers, tablets, tablet/phones (e.g. Dell Streak), etc. all with different screen sizes, resolution, and capabilities.  How do you render an appropriate view optimized for the device accessing … Read More

Configuring LogBack in Roo

Gordon Dickens, one of our trainers and architects, recently posted this on his Technophile Blog, on Roo. LogBack is the more versatile logging strategy created by the same person that created log4j. Use the following steps to configure your Roo 1.1 project to use LogBack. 1. Create a logback.xml file in src/main/resources Continue here for … Read More

Grails Validation Constraints Quick Ref

This is an excerpt from a blog post by Gordon Dickens, Chariot Architect and Trainer (via Technophile Blog) After several iterations of Grails, we have to go to 17 (seventeen) pages to see all the validation constraints? I wanted to see them on one page. Grails 1.3.5 – Validation Constraints blank – To validate that … Read More