Ken Rimple

TechCast #92 – Steve Klabnik on Rust

This week, we talk to Rust Core Developer and upcoming Philly Emerging Tech Speaker Steve Klabnik. Steve wrote the Rust guide and contributes to the Rust documentation, and has been a core team member since December of 2014. Steve will be a speaker at Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise. His talk is called Rust in … Read More

TechCast #91 – Brent Vatne on React Native

Today’s TechCast features Brent Vatne, who explains how the React Native framework can be used to build applications in both iOS and Android using JavaScript and CSS. We talk about how Brent got started on the project, how he prefers React Native to iOS and Android native development, and how it stacks up compared to … Read More

DevNews #103 – Hello Chakra, Sayonara IE

Show Notes Microsoft opens all of your chakras by open-sourcing the core of MS Edge Javascript renderer, Chakra. Tin foil hat portion of our show: Remote Code execution on Trend Micro. This is currently plugged, but still interesting. We also learn that when Jeff visits the dark corners of the internet… for recipes… he always … Read More

Testing Http Services in Angular 2 with Jasmine (RC1+)

Right now it's hard to find samples of tests against Angular 2 observable Http code for developers in the current beta. Some of the things you have to watch out for are non-obvious. I expect this will improve vastly over time, but for now hopefully you'll get some working code samples from me to get you going. This post will show you how it’s done.

TechCast #90 – Clojure Conj 2015

ClojureConj is the yearly get-together for the Clojure community, and Chariot was a sponsor this year as it happened in our backyard. What follows is a quick conversation with Chariot consultants Dan Boykis, Anatoly Polinsky, and Ron Lusk about their week attending the Conj. We apologize for the noise on the recording – people were … Read More

Angular 2 Beta 0 (somnambulant-inauguration) lands – Small App with Rxjs, TypeScript

Now that sonambulent-inauguration, properly known as Angular 2.0.0-beta.0, has dropped, let’s see what the public API is shaping up to be. We’ll review how to create a component from the application bootstrap, using the Http API to fetch a JSON object from HTTP, and see how the template API has changed now that we have to use camelCased property names.

DevNews #102 – TACO, terrible testing, and party comets

Today I’m joined by Chariot consultants Sujan Kapadia (@SlurpeeOperator) and Eric Snyder to recap what we deemed to be this week’s exciting tech news. Upcoming Events Chariot is sponsoring Clojure Conj, to be held on Nov 16-18 at the Sheraton Dock Street in Philadelphia. We are also co-sponsoring the HazelCast User Group Meetup on November … Read More

Angular2 Observables, Http, and separating services and components

What Angular1 brought, Angular2 takes away – for a good reason. No more Promises in ng2! See how observables make Angular2 a reactive, functional platform. We’ll roll up our sleeves and get something practical done with Angular2’s Http service, and we’ll get some data via the new Http service – it's quite a bit different than the Angular 1 $http service semantically, but serves the same purpose, but is also more fully featured.