Ken Rimple

ETE 2012 – Dr. Benjamin Pierce – Types a la Milner

From the abstract: Robin Milner (1934-2010) was a gentle giant of computer science. Among many fundamental contributions, his insights on the role of types in the theory and practice of programming have been perhaps the farthest reaching. This talk combines a historical perspective on Milner’s early work with a look at how these ideas continue … Read More

ETE 2012 – Gordon Dickens – Java EE in the Cloud

Our own Gordon Dickens (@gdickens) has put together a survey of choices for deploying Java EE in various cloud platforms. Here is his ETE session: Developers are now being tasked with writing applications for the cloud. Although that is a simple buzzword, what does it mean to me, the developer? When developing Java Enterprise applications … Read More

ETE 2012 – Jeff Brown – What’s New In Grails 2.0?

From the abstract: In this session, Grails core developer Jeff Brown will deliver an update on the latest and greats features of the Grails framework – a dynamic, web application framework based on the Groovy language and designed for Spring. Jeff will cover all the new features of Grails 2.0 including agent-based reloading, unit testing … Read More

ETE 2012 – Brian Leroux – Just Beyond HTML5: Device APIs with PhoneGap

From the abstract: PhoneGap hacker Brian LeRoux will talk about new breed of cross platform capabilities from the W3C called Device APIs, their relationship to HTML5, web standards, WebKit and mobile development with the most popular platforms. If you are interested in mobile web dev for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone you’ll really enjoy … Read More

ETE 2012 – Corey Latislaw – The Fragment Transition: Avoiding Obsoletion and Writing Better Android Apps

Corey Latislaw joined Chariot Solutions this year, and with her brought her Android expertise. She helps head up the Android Alliance in Philadelphia. This is also her first ETE presentation. From the abstract: [blockquote]Android is evolving. Gingerbread and Froyo won’t last forever. Bit rot sets in the moment you commit, but your code base can … Read More

ETE 2012 – Dani Diaz – Developers, Meet Windows Phone

From the abstract: We will look at the innovative Windows Phone platform and explain the philosophy behind its user experience design Metro. In this session we will show you how to take advantage of the Windows Phone platform and design principles that allow developers of all skill levels to create engaging and intuitive apps. We … Read More

ETE 2012 – Rick Nucci – Rein in the Cloud Chaos/Best Practices – Why Your Cloud Strategy Must Start with an Integration Strategy

From the abstract: CIOs today have the opportunity to become cloud champions in their organizations, building innovative new IT models that drive new business opportunities. Whether your business is purchasing a single cloud application or driving a company-wide cloud strategy, it is essential to centralize, secure and manage the flow of information in and out … Read More