Ken Rimple

TechCast #70 – Alex Payne (@al3x) on emerging languages

Here is our interview with ETE keynoter Alex Payne. His talk, Emerging Programming Languages: a Tour of the Horizon” will be featured on April 11 at 8:30 AM.

Alex will be speaking in depth about some emerging languages at ETE. This show is a quick introduction to some of the things going on in the industry, but not as comprehensive as Alex’s talk will be. We hope to see you there, and if you’re not attending ETE we should have the talk available online a short time after the end of the conference.

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Introduction to Spring Roo

Ken Rimple and Gordon Dickens discuss what Roo is, why they are using it and their new book, Roo in Action. Note that the early access to their book is and is free.

TechCast #69 – Alex Hillman of discusses his background, ETE 2012 talk

This is the first in a series of podcasts centered around speakers for the Philadelphia Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference.

My guest today is Alex Hillman. He is a leader in the co-working movement who helped found Independents Hall, known by the shortened name IndyHall (

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ETE 2011 – David Kaneda – Building Rich User Experiences with Sencha Touch

From David Kaneda’s abstract: “Sencha Touch is a mobile web app framework that allows developers to create rich mobile apps which look and feel native. In addition to a robust set of UI components, Sencha Touch offers an object-oriented MVC architecture, data stores/models, and a flexible theming system. David Kaneda will cover the benefits of … Read More

DevNews #41 – Microsoft and Secure Boot, 1 GB I/O per second, NYC High School for Comp Sci

DevNews #41 is brought to you by Chariot Solutions, leaders in software development in mobile, web, and integration, as well as mentoring and training. Find out about our services at Links: New York City gets a Software Engineering High School – Joel on Software – How cool is this? Wouldn’t it be awesome to … Read More

TechCast #68 – Kohsuke Kawaguchi – creator of Jenkins

Kohsuke Kawaguchi (@kohsukekawa) is the creator of Jenkins, a continuous integration tool he wrote a number of years ago as a way to verify that he checked in his files and didn’t affect his multi-developer build. It is safe to say that Kohsuke wasn’t the only one with that problem. A huge hit, the Jenkins CI server, which at the time was known as Hudson, reached a wide adoption level, with people installing it officially and even under their desktops in many IT development shops.

Kohsuke discusses the challenges in developing a tool like Jenkins, which changed names after the new owner of Sun, Oracle, decided that it owned the trademark to the Hudson product name. Oracle has contributed Hudson to the Eclipse foundation, and Kohsuke has continued developing Jenkins, sticking to a build per week strategy, conducting all team meetings in an open IRC forum, as well as documenting project status on their website,

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Spring Roo 1.2.0 released – it's growing up…

On Saturday, 12/17/11, SpringSource/VMware released version 1.2.0 of Spring Roo, the Spring rapid application development platform, to the public. There are a lot of good changes in this release to make Roo quite palatable to Enterprise developers, such as: Multi-POM projects – now you can create web, service, database, and functional tiers and tie them all … Read More