Ken Rimple

ETE 2010 #9 – Linda Rising – Deception and Estimation

We are pleased to release this recording of Linda Rising’s talk on Deception and Estimation.  This is a one-hour talk, and is a good talk about how we deceive ourselves in a number of ways in life in general, and of course in the estimation process. From the abstract: “Cognitive scientists tell us that we … Read More

DevNews #21 – We have Rails 3 RC1, Grails and Griffon, and more!

In the DevNews today… CouchApp Evently Guided Hack w/ CouchDB Announcing djangoembed, rich media consuming and providing with Django Andres Almiray’s Weblog : Weblog Daily Dose – Rails 3 Arrives at First RC Station Spring MVC 3 Showcase GORM Gotchas (Part 3) Michael Hartl’s Rails 3 Tutorial Book Sponsor Moment: We are sponsored / supported … Read More

DevNews #20 – Start, Finish, or Play the Game

Amongst our weaponry… Understanding iOS 4 Backgrounding and Delegate Messaging @ Dr. Touch mxcl’s homebrew at master – GitHub Homebrew: OS X’s Missing Package Manager | Engine Yard Ruby on Rails Blog amf.js – A Pure JavaScript AMF Implementation The Incredible, Growing, Commercial Hadoop Market — GigaOM Pro Another Chance To Win a TShirt: What … Read More

DevNews #19 – Releases Releases, oh pay me, HTML5 salary please

Chariot Developer News Episode #19 Hosts: Ken Rimple and Eric Snyder The watchword this week is Release… Many releases upcoming or out, including FireFox 4 beta/preview 1, Tomcat 7 beta 1, and the upcoming Passenger 3 and GMail with HTML 5. Links are not being loaded to delicious yet, so here they are in their … Read More

ETE 2010 #8 – Bonnie Aumann – Are your developers BSing you?

Bonnie Aumann is an agile project manager and customer advocate for Algorithmics. Her ETE 2010 talk is entitled “Are your developers BS’ing you?” In this talk, she tries to cut through the potential blame game and IT culture issues by practicing rapid feedback and response, and Agile techniques. Her abstract “A question I’m often asked … Read More

DevNews #18 – HTML 5, Google CL, Spring Security Patch, and more

Today’s episode is #18.  We discuss a number of technologies.  LINKS, provided by the code snippet below! Git Reference Cloud Performance Comparison Pyro 4.0 released Google I/O 2010 – BigQuery and Prediction APIs Groovy++ in action: DSL for embedding HttpServer | Groovy Zone 11 Creative Ways to Avoid Becoming a Workaholic Groovy/Grails Talk – Adding … Read More

ETE 2010 #7 – Audrey Troutt – Influencing your way to Agile

  Our ETE 2010 Session today is “Influencing your way to Agile” by Audrey Troutt. Audrey Troutt is a Software Engineer at the Drexel Math Forum.  She can be reached on twitter at @auditty. In this talk, Audrey describes ways to approach your team members, bosses, bosses bosses, and other types in a more productive, influential … Read More

ETE 2010 #6 – Write once, run on any phone

ETE Session #6 is “Write Once, Run on Any Phone” A session with Chariot’s Aaron Mulder and Kevin Griffin. They discuss three popular mobile frameworks that allow developers to write the software one time and deploy it to each phone platform supported by the framework. Rhodes, Titanium and PhoneGap are featured. Slides for the presentation … Read More

BizCast #4 – Open Source Project Selection Part 2 with Joel Confino

In Part 1, Joel discussed licensing models.  In this episode, Joel and Ken talk about the other criteria in his selection process. Criteria License model Code Quality JavaNCSS – Free tool (and maven plugin) to analyze lines of code / number of methods, MCCabe metrics etc… JDepend – analyzes and checks for cyclic dependencies Runtime … Read More