Ken Rimple

DevNews #10 – Lots of Spring and Java today

As always, social bookmarking on for the devnews However, here are the links… Links: EIP ‘Loan Broker’ Reference Implementation (Part 1) | SpringSource Team Blog Guillaume Nodet’s blog: Spring-DM, Aries Blueprint and custom namespaces Ehcache 2.0 Offers Grails Integration & Scaling Without Code Changes | IndicThreads Why doesn’t (JPA, JMS, JTA, EJB, JSF, … Read More

BizCast #2 – KYW NewsRadio’s Steve Butler on Social Media

Steve Butler is the Program and News Director for KYW News Radio, a well-known AM news radio station broadcasting out of the Philadelphia region.  The station has adopted social media platforms such as Twitter and podcasting, in order to disseminate news items and provide longer-format content to their listeners.  Mr. Butler is interviewed by Tracey … Read More

Audio Interview: KYW NewsRadio on Social Media in the Radio News Business

On Thursday we did an interview with Steve Butler, Program and News Director of KYW News Radio, discussing the reach of Social Media in news outlets. We cover topics as diverse as Twitter and the generational divide, using social media to discover news stories and are all areas of social media right for every situation … Read More

DevNews #9 – We Drizzle CouchDB all over the MySQL and Gradle it out to teams who pair…

Due to all of my various time constraints, this is the “Brown Bag” edition of the Developer news – now without jazz! Our show bookmarks can be found on: Thanks, Ken, Eric (apparently earlier I wrote Scott) & Gordon  

TechCast #54 – Gradle creators Hans Dockter and Adam Murdoch – Part 2

Gradle is an application assembly and build management platform that provides for convention-based build processes like Maven, but also implements a dynamic, groovy-based scripting and plugin system to make it very easy to customize your builds and perform specific steps at any point along the way. My guests today are Hans Docter, who is the … Read More

TechCast #53 – Gradle creators Hans Dockter and Adam Murdoch – Part 1

Gradle is an application assembly and build management platform that provides for convention-based build processes like Maven, but also implements a dynamic, groovy-based scripting and plugin system to make it very easy to customize your builds and perform specific steps at any point along the way. My guests today are Hans Docter, who is the … Read More

DevNews #7 – PyCon 2010, Unladen Swallows, Rocket Scientists, and more

Developer news segments are a weekly program, run by Chariot’s application developers and architects.  This week we discuss PyCon 2010 with Eric Snyder. Links can also be found on at Submitting a news link?  Just add one with the public tag ‘devnewsideas’ and we’ll try to incorporate it into the show. Note:  Sorry … Read More