
Microbenchmarking Scala with JMH

Many times we find that there are multiple ways to write a piece of code and sometimes the choice may be determined by which implementation executes fastest. We might want to have a shootout between the different implementations to find out which one is fastest. The Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH) tool can help us get … Read More

Form-Based Login for Java WebSocket Client

Needing a Java-based WebSocket client, I started with Tyrus, the reference implementation for the Java API for WebSocket. Writing a simple Java WebSocket client with Tyrus went well enough — until I went to turn security on. The Web App I’m connecting to uses form-based login, and out of the box the only authentication support … Read More

Upgrading a WIMBoot Machine to Windows 10

Needing to drive a few touchscreen kiosks, I found myself in possession of some compute stick type devices. These are tiny but full-fledged computers, with an Atom CPU, 2 GB of RAM, and a 32 GB SSD. They shipped with Windows 8.1 with Bing. Naturally, I wanted to upgrade to Windows 10. There were a … Read More

Better Scala Tuples With shapeless

Shapeless provides a little syntax sugar that makes a standard Tuple behave like a collection. Learn more about this API in a tutorial by Scala and Akka trainer, mentor and consultant Michael Pigg.