15 Minutes With: Cassandra Bailey on Honing Your Marketing Strategy During a Pandemic and Beyond

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During Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting amazing women who are using tech to innovate in their industries. In this episode of 15 Minutes With, Tracey Welson-Rossman sits down with Cassandra Bailey, the CEO of Slice Communications, an industry-leading marketing and PR firm in Philadelphia.

Many companies relied on word-of-mouth and trade shows as their main communication channels for years. But it goes without saying that the pandemic turned the ‘shaking hands and kissing babies’ type of marketing on its head.

While word-of-mouth is still happening, it’s happening differently: now, it’s almost entirely dependent upon technology. So how do you stay ‘top of mind’ to your audience as an individual, or a company? And how has maintaining your CRM – according to Cass, “the spine of your entire marketing strategy” – become more important than ever before?

Cass and Tracey come back to one main idea: if you identify your audience, and identify a process, then you can choose the tech to meet them where they are.


  • Want to learn about digital communications – the tools, technologies, and best practices – from the experts? Join Cass and the Slice Communications team for Social Media Day on June 30th, 2021.

Is there anything you’d like us to discuss in this series? Email info@chariotsolutions.com, or leave a thought below.