Search results for: angularjs

Technologies We're Watching for Early 2015

A group of Charioteers sat down last week to discuss some of the technologies and tools we have been and will be watching in 2015 – some beginning to establish themselves in the enterprise, and some still in early stages of adoption.

My $scope Is Not Your Dumping Ground

This little problem came up in my recent AngularJS/Ionic app. It all started with an innocent modal dialog. There are several, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s look at the login dialog: The generic dialog plumbing is a div with a surrounding overlay that dims out the rest of the screen. You can click … Read More

DevNews #91 – What we know about Angular 2.0 (so far)

If you’ve been working with Angular a lot recently, you may have received word about a set of potentially breaking changes in the next major version, 2.0. In this podcast, Ken Rimple, Don Coleman and Joel Confino discuss Angular 2.0, the reason for these changes, and some of the potential impact.

Philly ETE 2014 #9 – An Introduction to Angular JS – Ken Rimple

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AngularJS is an MVC JavaScript framework that has been extending itself into the enterprise like ivy on a wall. There are several reasons: dependency injection, strong testability and the ability to define business services and UI components lead the list. Ken Rimple takes a quick tour of Angular and discusses its current state, and offers tips for beginning developers.

DevNews 88 – Get your ‘Ki’ up so you can be super ‘Swift’, IMO

The Developer News this week focuses on several newer languages – Javascript’s ki LISP DSL (literally running LISP as a domain-specific language inside of JavaScript directly just by booting a library) and of course, Apple’s Swift, are our tidbits from the programming zone. We see how mathletes may have been hit by a virus on, and two bigwigs team up to take on Oracle in the Big Data department. That and more, on the DevNews this week.

DevNews #86 – We’ve tried to 86 the podcast, but it’s 99 times the fun

Episode 86 – which we 86'ed once but tried for again Ever have one of those Mondays? Joel Confino is out on assignment, and Ken is solo this week. He "recorded" episode 86 once, except that he didn't press RECORD. Sigh, silly programmer. Sponsored Link – Training update – Our two-day AngularJS Fundamentals training course … Read More

Getting Chatty with Angular, Socket.IO, Node/Express and Bootstrap

Now that we’re well into the client/server age of the web with client-side frameworks such as AngularJS and Ember, it’s time to start revisiting those typical sample projects and reviewing how they’ll change with a more intelligent client. In this tutorial we’ll wire up an AngularJS single-page web application to communicate with Web Sockets using Socket.IO and host the application using NodeJS for an all-Javascript stack.

DevNews 84 – Embers in the fire, hearts bleeding everywhere, I need a KitKat

This week we have some news in the world of security, Javascript framework Ember makes a good appearance, and we have talk of KitKat and SD Cards, as well as the state of mobile processors for Android, Windows, and iPhone (and tablets and notebooks).

Chariot’s Philly Tech Week Events – April 2014

Attend one of our Philly Tech Week events and learn from us. Details are available here for these events: AngularJS Hackathon – April 8, 2014 – (sold out) – Learn how to write applications in the popular Javascript MVC framework. Javascript Build Tools Workshop – April 10, 2014 – Learn about how to build, analyze, … Read More