TechCast #35 – A few beers with Chariot’s Open Source Integration Experts

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Last week I had the pleasure of hosting a roundtable chat over drinks with four of our integration experts.  I wanted to discuss some of the issues facing companies today, including how to approach integration projects, and when to use technologies like SOA ESB platforms.

My guests were:

  1. Rod Biresch
  2. Tom Purcell
  3. Roberto Rojas
  4. Steve Smith

You can read their blogs by visiting their links on Chariot’s Bloggers Page.

We had some interesting discussions around open source tools.

Key Topics:

  1. SOA Platforms
    1. Apache ServiceMix
    2. Fuse
    3. Mulesource Mule ESB
  2. Integration Tools
    1. Spring Integration
    2. Apache Camel
  3. Tools and Techniques
    1. Enterprise Integration Patterns
    2. Governance tools such as Mule Galaxy
    3. Monitoring Tools such as Hyperic / Mule HQ / JBoss JON / SpringSource AMS

Feedback always welcomed!