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TechCast #48 – Google Wave interview with Joe Gregorio

Joe Gregorio, Google Developer Advocate and member of the Google App Engine team, is also working on Google Wave, a new collaborative environment that mixes concepts from IRC, Mail, IM, and document sharing. APIs http://code.google.com/apis/wave/ Example bots:  builtins:  Linky automatically makes links of text typed in to the wave. For more examples, look at wave-samples-gallery.appspot.com Developers can sign up for sandbox access here https://services.google.com/fb/forms/wavesignupfordev/ Non-Developers can request a preview account here https://services.google.com/fb/forms/wavesignup/ No public client/server API yet, waveprotocol.org has links to wave protocol forum

TechCast #47 – Jonas Boner on the Akka framework, Scala, and highly scalable applications

Today’s podcast features Jonas Bonér, the creator of the Akka framework.  If you’ve been listening to the podcast, especially to Episode #37 with Alex Miller on Java Concurrency, here is an alternative approach to providing scalability on the Java VM. Akka features an implementation of Actors, Software Transactional Memory, and Transactors, a hybrid approach to working with STM inside of Actors themselves.  Jonas also provides a mechanism for writing these components inside of the Java language as well. Actors are…

TechCast #46 – Guillaume LaForge on Groovy and Gaelyk, an App Engine Groovy platform

Today’s interview features the Groovy luminary Guillaume LaForge.  Guiallume’s work on improving the Groovy language paved the way for the innovative frameworks such as Grails and Griffon, and showed a whole generation of Java developers to stop worrying and love dynamic programming. Guiallaume is the Groovy project lead, and is constantly improving the language.  One of his newer efforts is the App Engine framework Gaelyk.  Running on top of Groovy, this framework allows developers to build Google App Engine web…

TechCast #45 – SpringSource’s Ben Alex on Roo, a Java-based agile framework

Ben Alex carved out some time to talk to me about the SpringSource Roo project, a very interesting and different take on Convention over Configuration Frameworks. All of the major prior frameworks seem to use dynamic and meta-programming tricks to get work done.  Ben’s team focused on taking advantage of the Java platform, and hence Roo is a fast, java-and-AOP solution for getting things done using existing APIs like JPA and Spring’s APIs.  Applications are built using a command-line shell…

TechCast #44 – Manik Surtani on JBoss Infinispan Distributed Data Grid and Cache

Today’s guest is Manik Surtani, from the JBoss Infinispan project. Infinispan is a data grid project that grew out of JBoss Cache, and is able to dynamically ramp up and down cache nodes at will.  Manik discusses the various features of the engine, including querying, monitoring, scalability, and more. Visit the Infinispan project site at www.jboss.org/infinispan Infinispan tweets on the @Infinispan username, and you can watch all tweets related to Infinispan at #infinispan. If you are in Antwerp, Belgium attending…

TechCast #43c – SpringOne / 2GX – Gordon Dickens show reflections

Gordon Dickens is a consultant and trainer with Chariot Solutions. We caught just before the wrap-up on Thursday to see Gordon’s impressions (ask him to do Charlie Chaplain)… Gordon discusses Spring 3.0 & Java 6, JPA 2 support, Spring Integration, Spring Roo, Grails, and more. Chariot Solutions is a SpringSource consulting and training partner.

TechCast #43a – SpringOne / 2GX Day 1.5 Recap – Gordon Dickens

Gordon Dickens is a consultant and trainer with Chariot Solutions. We caught up in the early afternoon on Tuesday to catch up on Rod Johnson’s keynote and topics around Spring 3.0, Grails, and some other things. Chariot Solutions is a SpringSource consulting and training partner.

TechCast #42 – Chariot’s Eric Snyder on Apache CouchDB

Chariot’s Eric Snyder works in both Java, Spring-based applications as well as with dynamic platforms such as Ruby on Rails.  He brought CouchDB to our attention earlier this year, and we thought we’d share some information about it with our listeners.  Apache CouchDB is a RESTful web-centric document-based database system written in Erlang.  It can be used either directly using RESTful mechanisms or via a wrapper API in a number of languages. Resources: http://couchdb.apache.org – project website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESDBM9-U804 – CouchDB:…

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