Developer News

DevNews #66 – RESTful tutorials, CAPCHAs and Machine Learning, a million to win a hackathon and more…

We talk about Newton – a pure Javascript Physics engine AI Startup says it has defeated captchas Got a great mobile app idea? You can win $1M in the SalesForce hackathon Elixir – a “groovy” for Erlang? We talk about JBoss Forge

DevNews #65 – Apple’s patent for touching glass with fingers is upheld?

Links A great presentation by Joe Sondow on the Netflix Asgard Project– a Grails application server that deploys to AWS. Highlights include: Obama for America used it to keep its sites rolling and alive Used to be Netflix Application Console It is only one of the open source projects on Netflix’s GitHub page. Reasons not … Read More

DevNews #64 – We’re older and losing our hair…

Well, Ken is, anyway… A number of interesting topics this week. Topic List Newly OSS’d project Precog: advanced analyics for NoSql Angularjs vs Knockout – a great multi-page post comparing a number of features. Beyond map/reduce – it’s not just about that Google whitepaper. 10 reasons to use AngularJS Cloud provider Nirvanix shuts down An … Read More

DevNews #63 – Robots that gallop, IDEs written in HTML, a browser swarm, what’s next?

The links Sponsored by Haydle – ask, answer and rate answers to your company’s questions, Data I/O 2013 a conference featuring a variety of technologies and techniques for dealing with large-scale and sophisticated data, and Chariot Education Services, providing training in Java, Spring, Maven/Nexus, Groovy/Grails, Hibernate, Map/Reduce and more. Codio: A Web IDE (Javascript / HTML, CSS, etc.) … Read More

DevNews #60 – Somebody buy Joel a Furby

This week – it’s Not about Furby, but about the new Apple iPhones. Your hosts, Ken Rimple, Sujan Kapadia and Joel Confino talk about whether they’d go out and buy one, whether they still display the same appeal, and what’s under the surface that could be a potential game changer.

DevNews #59 – Bugs made of paper and graphine transistors – does the NSA know?

YEAH! Integrating yeoman-style projects into a larger maven build – Addy Osmani comes up with the goods. Making Maven Grunt We buried the lead – NSA can get to everything Joel brings up the counter-point, an article by ARS. Vertx 2.0 Q&A on InfoQ w/Tim Fox – As per last week’s episode, Vert.X is an … Read More

DevNews #58 – The London Eye – of Sauron

The Developer News is sponsored by Chariot Solutions Education Services. Get trained in Scala, Spring, Grails, Maven, Nexus, and more. Links, please! Note – I accidentally named Don Coleman our “Director of Development” when in fact, his official title is “Director of Consulting”… Duly noted. Ken Rimple A nice, involved, deep tutorial on building a … Read More

DevNews #57 – Wherein we decide that PCs are dead, Java VMs still scream, and we want Keynote for Android

We know Keynote for Android will never happen, but keep listening until you hear about Ken’s encounter with a keyboarded, and moused, Android tablet in a remote assignment somewhere in Amish country… Quick sponsor note – registrations are now available for the 2013 Chariot Data IO event. It’s only $80 for an all-day conference focusing … Read More