
ETE 2015 – Yehuda Katz – What is Rust?

You may have seen Rust on Hacker News, Reddit or Twitter, but what is all the hype about? With Rust just recently having become stable, now’s a great time to learn more about this emerging language that is taking on old stalwarts like C++ without giving up on the expressiveness of higher level languages. Whether you’re a grizzled systems programmer or a dynamic language programmer looking to dip your toe in, this talk will have something for you.

ETE 2015 – Soumith Chintala – The deep learning revolution: rethinking machine learning pipelines

In the last decade, a class of machine learning algorithms popularly know as “deep learning” have produced state-of-the-art results on a wide variety of domains, including image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing, genome sequencing, and financial data among others. What is deep learning? Why has it become so popular so quickly? How can one fit deep learning into existing pipelines?

ETE 2015 – Ash Furrow – Catching up with Swift

In this talk, Ash Furrow, author and iOS engineer at Artsy, presents the current state of Apple’s new programming language: Swift. He’ll begin with a description of why Swift was needed – what problems existed with Objective-C and how does Swift address them? Speaking from experience of developing a production application using Swift, Ash will discuss Swift’s readiness from both technical and business standpoints.

Philly ETE 2015 – Ken Rimple – Want now? Traceur your way back to ES5 and feel the Harmony

In this talk, we’ll roll up our sleeves and use JavaScript 6 features TODAY, on our browsers, writing our code with real ES 6 classes, testing with Karma, running with Gulp and NodeJS. We’ll explore the extensions that let us perform type checking of our methods. We’ll also discuss what areas of the spec to avoid, and how to write your code so it will take advantage of these features while still running well today. Let’s get ready for the future, and start reaping the benefits now.

Philly ETE 2015 – Helena Edelson – Streaming Big Data with Spark, Spark Streaming, Kafka, Cassandra and Akka

This talk presents Apache Spark, Spark Streaming, Apache Kafka, Apache Cassandra and Akka as supporting Lambda architecture in the context of a fault tolerant, streaming big data pipeline. We will walk through the Fault Tolerance story with these technologies to build applications, and how to easily implement and integrate them in a Scala Akka application for real-time delivery of meaning at high velocity, in highly distributed and concurrent environments.

Philly ETE 2015 – Todd Montgomery – The Changing Face of Communications: IoT, REST, & Reactive

We are experiencing a profusion of interconnected devices. Architectures are undergoing radical changes to enable better scaling and resiliency. And at the heart of all of these are several new protocols that are changing the way services communicate. A lot of interest lies with WebSocket, HTTP/2, CoAP, MQTT, XMPP, etc. What can these protocols do? What can we learn from them? And where are things going? This session will explore these questions and more.

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