
Philly ETE 2014 – Gulrukh Ahange – Patterns for Service Security in Hybrid Public/Private Cloud Deployment

How do organization provide security between the realm of greater oversight and control in private cloud and the unknowns in the public cloud? Do the patterns for securing a service in a hybrid cloud deployment look different than used in traditional private cloud? This presentation will cover some of the challenges and patterns to make hybrid cloud secure and redundant.

Philly ETE 2014 – Carl Quinn – How We Built a Cloud Platform Using Netflix OSS

The Netflix OSS Cloud stack is clearly a great set of components for building a cloud infrastructure and platform—if you are Netflix. But how does that architecture work for other businesses? Learn how at Riot we leveraged Netflix OSS Cloud tools and platform components to create a complete infrastructure for hosting our global game platform. Maybe it can work for you too.

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