
Philly ETE 2016 Keynote – David Ferrucci – AI: A Return to Meaning

This talk draws an arc from Theory-Driven AI to Data-Driven AI and positions Watson along that trajectory. It proposes that to advance AI to where we all know it must go, we need to discover how to efficiently combine human cognition, massive data and logical theory formation. We need to boot strap a fluent collaboration between human and machine that engages logic, language and learning to enable machines to learn how to learn and ultimately deliver on the promise of AI.

Philly ETE 2016 Keynote – Raffi Krikorian – How Your Organization is Killing Your Software

When asked “What’s your architecture?” most people immediately respond with how their software is laid out and what their plans are for improving parts of it. Rarely does anybody really think through their team and organizational architecture, and even more rarely do people understand how that may fundamentally impact how the software gets written and the product that comes out at the end.

Philly ETE 2016 – Luke Wagner – WebAssembly: A New Compilation Target for the Web

>WebAssembly is an emerging standard which defines a new, portable, binary format to serve as a safe and efficient compiler target for the Web. Driven by active cross-browser collaboration, WebAssembly is rapidly taking shape and should be coming in the future to a browser near you. What does this new addition to the open Web platform mean for developers? This talk will provide an overview of the design of WebAssembly and explain how WebAssembly can be used to both bring existing codebases to the Web as well as complement modern web apps written in JS and HTML5. The talk will also cover future directions for WebAssembly such as supporting languages beyond C/C++ and providing tighter integration with JS and Web APIs. If you care about large code, load time, predictable performance, compiling to the web, alternative programming languages or you are using a framework that does, come learn about WebAssembly.

Philly ETE 2016 – Scott Ambler – Agility at Scale: Tactical and Strategic Approaches

This talk describes, step-by-step, how to evolve from today’s vision of agile software development to a truly disciplined agile enterprise. It briefly examines the state of mainstream agile software development and argues for the need for a more disciplined approach to agile delivery that provides a solid foundation from which to scale. It then explores what it means to scale disciplined agile strategies tactically at the project/product level and strategically across your IT organization as a whole. Your disciplined agile IT strategy, along with a lean business strategy, are key enablers of a full-fledged disciplined agile enterprise. The talk ends with advice for how to make this challenging organizational transition.

Philly ETE 2016 – Joe D’Amato – Infrastructure as Code Might Literally Be Impossible

This talk will begin by briefly examining what it means for infrastructure to be represented as code. We’ll examine some fundamental software components required for automating infrastructure using code such as GPG, package managers, SSL, and more. We’ll examine some interesting failure cases for these tools and how these shortcomings might make it impossible to truly represent infrastructure as code, for now.

Philly ETE 2016 – Doc Norton – Agile Metrics: Velocity is NOT the Goal

Doc walks us through the Hawthorne Effect and Goodhart’s Law to explain why setting goals for velocity can actually hurt a project’s chances. Take a look at what can negatively impact velocity, ways to stabilize fluctuating velocity, and methods to improve velocity without the risks. Leave with a toolkit of additional metrics that, coupled with velocity, give a better view of the project’s overall health.

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