
Philly ETE 2016 – Steve Klabnik – Rust in Production

Rust is a systems programming language from Mozilla that focuses on safety, speed, and concurrency. Rust reached 1.0 a year ago, and so there’s a question everyone is asking: how has 1.0 tested in production? Is the language “ready” yet? In this talk, Steve will give an overview of Rust’s value proposition, focusing on examples and anecdotes from companies using Rust in production today.

Philly ETE 2016 – Daniel Steinberg – The World of Swift 3

When Apple open sourced Swift late last year, they invited the community into the discussion of where Swift should go and why. Instead of us having to imagine what the Swift language and library stewards and architects are thinking, we can read their words on the Swift evolution mailing list. In this talk we’ll look at what idiomatic Swift will look like soon when Swift 3 is soon released and talk about the reasoning behind some of the choices.

Philly ETE 2016 – Jessica Kerr – Adventures in Elm: Events, Reproducibility, and Kindness

Elm is a purely functional language for the browser. It compiles to JavaScript — after enforcing immutability, types, semantic versioning, and tight boundaries for user and server interactions. This session gives an overview of Elm, then focuses on the Elm Architecture: how it overturns what is essential in object-oriented and even backend functional programming.

Philly ETE 2016 – A. Jesse Jiryu Davis – Dodge Disasters and March to Triumph as a Mentor

Good engineers write good code, but the best engineers raise the skills of their junior colleagues, too. If you’re a senior engineer, you must learn to mentor new hires. Especially if you’re committed to diversity: mentorship is critical to the careers of women and minorities in tech. I have failed at mentoring, then succeeded. I distinguished five warning signs that a mentorship will fail, and five prerequisites that make a mentorship very likely to succeed. Learn from me, and march to mentorship triumph.

Philly ETE 2016 – Evan Chan – NoLambda: A new architecture combining streaming, ad hoc, machine learning, and batch analytics

In today’s world of exploding big and fast data, developers who want both streaming analytics and ad hoc, OLAP-like analysis have often had to develop complex architectures such as Lambda—a path for fast streaming analytics using NoSQL stores such as Cassandra and HBase with a separate batch path involving HDFS and Parquet. While this approach works, it involves too many moving parts, too many technologies for ops, and too many engineering hours. Helena Edelson and Evan Chan highlight a much simpler approach to combine streaming and ad hoc/batch analysis using what they call the NoLambda stack (Apache Spark/Scala, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka), plus FiloDB, a new entrant to the distributed-database world that combines streaming and ad hoc analytics.

Philly ETE 2016 – Leigh Ann Shaffner – Agile HR

Agile HR represents a new, emerging way for HR to partner with their leaders and people. The paradigm is shifting from one of controls and standards to a new level of engagement – one that focuses on the facilitation and improvement of organizational agility. This means helping to build and drive programs that create adaptability, foster innovation, provide transparency, and inspire collaboration. Building on these principles, Comcast’s Technology + Product team is reimagining Performance Management. We are an innovative and agile organization and we are transforming our Performance Management approach to reflect our culture, provide real-time feedback, and develop our most important resources – our talent.

Philly ETE 2016 – Heather Miller – Academese to English: A Practical Tour of Scala’s Type System

Scala is famous in part for having one of the richest type systems of all mainstream programming languages today. Despite its reputation, Scala’s type system remains one of the most under-documented and jargon-heavy aspects of Scala. This talk will turn the academese into English, providing an example-rich tour of Scala’s type system, covering all the things that make people call it “powerful”. This talk isn’t about showcasing a bunch of challenging little logical puzzles with types; on the contrary, this talk is about showing practical uses of Scala’s type system, making it work for you and your users.

Philly ETE 2016 – Sean Cribbs – Reliable High-Performance HTTP Infrastructure with nginx and Lua

We recently replaced a proprietary API management solution with an in-house implementation built with nginx and Lua that is more robust, higher performance, and has greater visibility. Learn about our development process and the overall architecture that allowed us to write high-level code while enjoying native code performance, and how we leveraged other open source tools like Vagrant, Ansible, and OpenStack to build an automation-rich delivery pipeline. We will also take an in-depth look at our capacity management approach that differs from the rate limiting concept prevalent in the API community.

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