Philly ETE 2020 – James Ward & Josh Suereth – The Evolution of Object-Oriented Programming

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The foundation of programming which many of us have used for 20 years is evolving into something new. Concepts including immutability, functions, ADTs, and pattern matching are helping us solve problems more reliably, understandably, and quickly.

This session will help you understand the evolutions happening in many OOP languages and how you can begin taking better advantage of these changes.

About James Ward

James Ward is a nerd / software developer who shares what he learns with others though presentations, blogs, demos, and code. After over two decades of professional programming, he is now a self-proclaimed Typed Pure Functional Programming zealot but often compromises on his ideals to just get stuff done. After spending too many sleepless nights in data centers repairing RAID arrays, he now prefers higher-level cloud abstractions with appropriate escape hatches. James is a huge Open Source proponent, hoping to never get burned by lock-in again.

About Josh Suereth

Josh Suereth is a Staff Software Engineer at Google LLC. He is a member of the Scala Language Improvement Process committee, and a contributor to open source. He’s the author of Scala in Depth, and currently tackling assistant technologies in his day to day work.